
Hero Background

Dull sucks.  And dull, derivative content does not deliver.

We’re the opposite of dull. We create fresh, bold, distinctive video and social content.

Distinctive hits hearts and heads. Distinctive makes you famous. Distinctive delivers the impact your brand deserves.

Share your story in the way that’s defiantly, bravely you. Because Hurricane hits different.

Our Process


Effective content starts with a clear strategy that complements your marketing plan. We work with brands of all sizes to develop video marketing plans – covering audience research, industry insight, launch activation, PR support, video seeding and analysis.


Our range of creative expertise means we can always produce the idea that’s right for your brand, whether that be animation, filming, CGI, VR, AR, apps, motion graphics, social video, or beyond.


ROI and final results are what it’s all about. We keep track of view data, posts, tweets and social mentions so you can see what’s working and can build on your success in the future.


500 hours of video content are uploaded every minute! To grow your brand you need to be distinctive and engaging. You need a brave approach, an approach that joins thinking and planning with doing and delivering!

We are Hurricane, an award-winning video marketing and social agency based in Bristol and London.

Say Hello

If you’ve got a project in mind, or just want to have a chat, please get in touch

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