Creditcall Swipes Are Out

How do you promote the shift from magnetic stripe cards to chip and pin for the US market?

This was our brief from one of our financial services clients, Creditcall. They asked us to create an engaging corporate video marketing campaign about EMV migration – the shift from stripe cards to chip and pin.

Our creative concept worked around the question – what would happen to all the stripe cards when chip and pin is introduced? We imagined those cards taking up new ‘careers’ as bookmarks, cleaners for your computer keyboards, or even just living a life of luxury.

In addition to video production, we were also involved in the wider video marketing campaign. In collaboration with a US PR company, we worked on blogger outreach pitched at influencers in the payments, technology and financial services sectors. To further amplify our video’s reach, we created a YouTube ad campaign and delivered analytics on how the campaign was running.

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6,500+ Video views
200% Increase in engagement
5 weeks Project turnaround

The results

The video was shared via owned social channels, focusing on Twitter and Linkedin - the most appropriate channels for the target market. On Twitter, followers were invited to share their ideas for what to do with their old stripe cards once chip and pin was introduced with the hashtag #swipesareout.

This targeted campaign has been effective in raising awareness about how Creditcall could help with EMV migration. The video has been viewed over 6,500 times so far - generated via YouTube ads, blogger outreach and owned social media.

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