Have your voice heard for IUCN

At Hurricane, working with not-for-profits with a strong environmental message is our soul food. IUCN World Conservation Congress takes place every year to drive action on nature-based recovery, climate change, and biodiversity. IUCN commissioned us to launch their first-ever Global Youth Summit, for which we created everything from their event branding to trailers.

Central to their strategic marketing plan was driving registrations from new and existing Gen Z audiences. At Hurricane, having worked on many charity social media campaigns, we realised the importance of getting this right to engage this audience. We needed our social campaigns to really hit home the importance of this fight.

IUCN’s first Global Youth Summit

A key aspect of this project was helping IUCN to launch its charity social media campaigns. The brief was to grow an audience of engaged millennials and Gen Z on their brand new Instagram channel. Alongside audience research, influencer outreach and content calendars, we created a series of powerful short animations to promote their Youth Congress on Instagram and to capture the spirit of Gen Z to drive registrations.

We wanted the ads to give control to young people while making an emotional connection about the planet…..with an emotional call to arms, arriving at the CTA ‘Have your voice heard’.

The results

Our strategic social campaign reached 6 million people in 170 countries to deliver 400,000 click throughs and 15000+ event registrations.

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