Sykes Holiday Cottages

‘This is Your Time’ TV Campaign

How do travel brands connect with a distracted Christmas audience? With an impactful, emotionally engaging and strategic TV advertising campaign.

The Research

A strategic approach is crucial when developing any brand TV campaign, so our creativity was built on rock-solid insight. Our research showed that the precious value of time would chime for Sykes’ target audience. They lead hectic lives, and when they have valuable time off, they cannot afford to waste it.


The Creative

Our final concept revolves around the core proposition of –

This is your time, make every second count.”

Time weaves through every part of the creative. The film draws the audience in by encouraging them to slow down and immerse themselves in the evocative sounds of holiday memories.

Our production combines slow-motion scenes and time shifts with sophisticated layers of sound, evoking the feeling of memories being created.

The Campaign

To support the TV commercial, we created hub content as part of an integrated online video marketing strategy. This content has been activated with targeted video ads catering to the different audiences that Sykes focuses on – pet-friendly, family, couples and groups.

Our creative concept resonated through the whole of Sykes’s in-house marketing team. With “This is Your Time” being rolled out across the travel brand’s external and internal communications, from blog content and internal comms to direct response.

The Results

The commercial was released in 2020, with some very happy clients at Sykes and a great initial audience response,  For a flavour of the feedback, take this Sykes Facebook page comment by Marcus: “Just seen this advert on “Sky Arts” channel and the great use of words compelled me for the first time EVER to respond to a TV advert and search for you.

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