
Real-life Baristas


Our films demonstrate the expertise of Costa Coffee’s staff as they share their love of coffee, behind-the-scenes secrets, and knowledge of how to serve up the perfect cup.

Employee testimonials

The Brief

Costa Coffee requested a suite of video content to support its brand purpose relaunch, with a focus on its coffee, its people and their craft.

Costa Digital and Prophecy Unlimited required six videos with current Costa employees talking straight to the camera about their favourite drink.


The Creative

Using real Costa Coffee baristas gives the films authenticity and allows the brand to share their team’s expertise and passion as well as the quality of their handcrafted products. These video testimonials were integrated with Costa Coffee’s advertising campaign featuring comedian and actor, Javone Prince, performing as an inspirational coach, training Costa baristas to be ‘magnificent’.

Our how-to videos reinforced the message that these motivated employees ‘live and breathe handcrafted coffee’. We developed the filming style storyboard, and shot on location in one of Costa Coffee’s newest stores.

The series of short videos shared a consistency of tone and style with a clear call to action. This campaign shows how the power of video for retail brands can be amplified by integrating a range of content at different stages of the buying cycle with a brand film backed by hub content, testimonials or how-to’s.

The Results


The short films have attracted sizable audiences, with total views currently totalling over 130,000. The Flat White film achieved the highest engagement with almost 30,000 views, and following the success of the films, Hurricane created another two videos tailored for the festive season. One of these films, featuring the Black Forest Hot Chocolate, gained over 7,000 views in just a few days. This success demonstrates the power of using authentic storytelling techniques to bring brand values to life.

Say Hello

If you’ve got a project in mind, or just want to have a chat, please get in touch

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