
Ocado Technology Recruitment Video

The processes at Ocado Technology are extremely complex. For instance, at any one time, there are 35,000 different versions of the retail website being accessed. Our promotional film had to simplify these complexities and make them digestible and visually engaging

The Brief

ThirtyThree asked us to develop a recruitment video to explain what Ocado Technology does as an organisation, to encourage applications from the most talented technology innovators and programmers in the world.

The Creative

We opted for an animated infographic to help bring these intricacies to life. Our film shows that Ocado Technology builds its innovative systems from the ground up, concluding that people are the most important component. The final video features on the Ocado Technology recruitment website and YouTube channel. Ocado has also used it as a presentation tool in conferences and meetings to describe what they do as a business. This is a great example of how promotional technology videos can tell stories, connecting with audiences using a mix of real-life footage, animation and motion graphics.

The Results

The final video features on the Ocado Technology recruitment website and YouTube channel. It has also been used by Ocado as a presentation tool in conferences and meetings to describe what they do as a business.

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