Generation IM

Generation Brand Film

A brand film for Generation IM, a world leader in the development of sustainable investing.

The Brief

Founded by Al Gore and David Blood in 2004, Generation has played a pioneering role in the development of sustainable and environmental, social and governance investing. Our brief was to create a film that would demonstrate Generations core beliefs and showcase their talented team.

The Creative

Our film for Generation is driven by elegantly shot and lit vignette interviews, to reveal the character and passion of the people behind the firm. Conversations were carefully directed by our team to deliver engaging and authentic statements to drive the narrative.

Clean, simple backdrops were designed to own Generation’s central brand colour and reveal the workings of the set to give a genuine and un-staged feel to the films.

The Results

Our final brand film has been hugely successful content for Generation IM. We delivered a master version for use front and centre on the companies brand new website, as well as short social versions that were shared on Generation’s social channels, including high performing posts on LinkedIn.

brand film
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