Sony Xperia

Digital Video Campaign for Sony Xperia Z


We worked with partner agency, Dare London, to produce this video for Sony. The film was designed to feature on Gadget magazine ‘T3’s website, YouTube channel and blog.

The Creative

Speed Test Challenge: Rhi Morgan races to search and download the song ‘Countdown’ from Beyonce’s album ‘Four’ on Music Unlimited. How far will the Lamborghini travel before she gets it? Watch to find out. Hurricane ran complete production on the video, from sourcing locations, filming on the day to refining the final edit. We captured the exhilaration of being in a Lamborghini at speeds of over 150mph, by using car mounted cameras and rigged Go-Pros in the cockpit. 5,000+ Video views

The Results

The video was featured in numerous blogs and online articles, and it also clocked over 5,000 views on the T3 YouTube channel. It has been featured on various Sony Experia channels and websites.

Say Hello

If you’ve got a project in mind, or just want to have a chat, please get in touch

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