Michelmores Solicitors

Brand Video for Michelmores Solicitors

Standing out from the crowd can be a challenge in any industry, and our client Michelmores Solicitors operates in an extremely busy marketplace. Michelmores knew they needed to think differently when it came to corporate video and content marketing, so they turned to Hurricane to make the difference.

The Brief

Michelmores approached us to create the centrepiece of an ongoing video marketing campaign; a video that would sit front and centre on their newly launched website. They wanted something different to their competitors, and had a real desire to stand out from the crowd – to be brave.

The Creative

After a series of productive brand sessions and workshops with Michelmores, we scripted, designed, planned and edited a two minute marketing video that communicates their core message – ‘We are more than just solicitors’.

The Results

The secret to this video’s success is that – yes, it centres around what Michelmores can do for their clients – but the real stand out message is that these are people that you can trust and ultimately that you want to do business with. We worked with Michelmores to discover the truth about what makes their brand tick, and in doing so we have created a video that really gets to the heart of the Michelmores’ story. The film has been part of an ongoing video marketing campaign and features front and centre on the homepage of the brand new Michelmores website.

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