Cambridge University Press

Better Learning

A truly emotive hero film is one of the most effective ways for a brand to connect with its audience. The power of emotional storytelling comes to life in our film for Cambridge University Press.

The Brief

The brief for this marketing video for education was to depict the brands tagline: “Better learning, building brighter futures together.” The Better Learning brand works across the world, with offices in Brazil, Asia, and EMEA. So it was vital that the story reflected the global nature of their teams, and worked with very little speech, reducing the need for translation.

The Creative

Learning a new language can open up unexpected and life-changing opportunities and our final story centred on that core emotional driver.

Our narrative follows the journey of a young woman who fulfils her dream of becoming a pilot by learning English. In tandem with this story she then becomes a role model for her younger brother, inspiring his own language learning journey.


To bring our creative team’s distinct vision to life, director of photography, Ben Coughlan and director, Rollo Hollins, were brought in for the project. The resultant brand film embodies the highest production values, from the rich colour grade and intricate sound design to pitch-perfect casting and acting. We also skillfully managed a complex filming schedule over three days in various locations sourced in the UK.

The Results

Hurricane were not just involved in the production of the video, but also in how the content was distributed. Our creative team developed assets and trailers to be shared across all social channels, ensuring an effective social media strategy. The video is already at over 17,000 views and counting. Check out our blog to find out more about our wider content strategy for Cambridge University Press.

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