The Salvation Army

A Christmas Appeal


An emotive social video campaign for The Salvation Army to support their crucial Christmas appeal.


The Brief

The best charity campaign videos connect with new audiences and increase donations. It is the single biggest tool that charity fundraisers have. We were asked by The Salvation Army to bring a new approach to their 2021 Christmas video strategy – encouraging donations amongst their new and existing donors to support their crucial Christmas appeal.

The Creative

We started by holding a series of workshops and messaging sessions with their team to understand the key objectives, audiences, and contributors. We decided on a short-form video ad that would focus on the personal stories of the lives The Salvation Army have impacted.

The emotive social ad focused on the real-life experience of contributor, Wayne. Wayne has directly benefited from The Salvation Army’s service – eventually enabling him to break the cycle of rough sleeping and unstable accommodation. We created a narrative that visually captured and represented Wayne’s story, alongside the incredible work that The Salvation Army carries out at this time of year.

Christmas appeal

The Campaign

As well as planning filming locations and managing the shoot, we worked with the charity’s marketing team to devise a social content strategy. This ensured the video was optimised for paid and organic social platforms, all with several versions and various calls to action to maximise engagement opportunities. The best charity campaign videos will always squeeze as much out of their content strategy as possible.

A christmas appeal

The Results


The video ad was activated in the build-up to Christmas via all social channels and after one week, had already received 2.1k reactions, 183 comments and 330 shares.

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