Great Global Adventure

The brief

Attracting the top graduate talent calls for an innovative approach to recruitment. Our partner agency, ThirtyThree, approached us to get involved with such an education marketing campaign. We jumped at the chance to produce a video to promote their client, AXA's new global competition for graduates. The 'Great Global Adventure' is an opportunity of a lifetime to travel and gain work experience at the world's leading insurance firm.

The brief was to creatively develop and produce a short, punchy video to promote the competition to graduates all over the world. It needed to include a description of the different elements of the prize, including two work placements in international locations and an all-expenses-paid trip around the world.

Our concept

After an in-depth meeting with the client, our team came up with the whole creative solution. We decided the most effective way to excite the graduates about this amazing prize was to put them in the shoes of the winner. A first person point-of-view filming technique felt like the perfect way to do this.

After developing detailed storyboards and scripts to make sure we were telling the story that needed to be told, the next challenge was to bring the film to life. We did this by developing a specially bespoke camera rig. It allowed us to shoot first person, without losing the high production values we always strive for at Hurricane.

The campaign

The footage was in the bag and we knew that in order to evoke the emotion and excitement of the adventure, the film needed to feel like a real rollercoaster ride. In the edit we focussed on tight cuts and creative transitions to really express this feeling to the viewer.

If the film is anything to go by then one lucky graduate is going to be in for one heck of a great couple of years. All that was left was to distribute the video and wish all the entrants the best of luck.

Watch the final video
12 weeks Project turnaround
9,000+ Video views
120% Increase in engagement

The results

The video featured on the Great Global Adventure landing page, relevant university blogs, YouTube and social media. So far on YouTube this recruitment video has received over 9,000 views and growing.

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