How to Make YouTube Work Better for Your Brand

YouTube marketing tips - man holding a phone opening up the youtube app

Is your YouTube channel working hard enough for your brand? With over one billion unique users visiting YouTube every month and 6 billion hours of video uploaded (that’s almost an hour for every person on the planet), you need to ensure it is.

To help your video marketing campaigns get the most from YouTube, here are my top tips.

YouTube is the destination – #1 tip

Firstly, YouTube is the destination, not a stop-over. Typically, click-through is less than 1%. Although we have run campaigns with click-throughs of over 20%, they were very targeted and specific where the objective was to encourage the audience to move on.

So it’s always important to ensure that your user journey is working effectively and that the YouTube page meets your audience’s needs when they arrive at the channel.

YouTube channel case study

Let’s take The Home Depot’s YouTube channel as an example. In many ways, it’s working hard for the brand. They have a wide range of videos which are well structured tagged, and aimed at their audience. This evergreen content will encourage viewers to return to the channel.

In terms of structure, they have a brand video at the top and have separated funny content from their ‘how to’ videos. Many of the films are getting high views, for instance over 45,000 for their “How to Paint Interior Walls” video, which is a nice and easy film to create but reinforces their brand values effectively.

The brand has also created two YouTube channels in order to target its market effectively – one aimed at consumers and one at the industry (Home Depot Pro).

The Home Depot could perhaps improve by updating its hero video. It has over 8,500 views but was uploaded three years ago. YouTube audiences want to see fresh content, and if this is the first engagement with the brand on this channel, it may not create the right impression.

YouTube don’ts

1. Put your most popular at the top

By doing this, you only highlight videos with lower views. Also depending on the purpose of the film, those with lower views can still be a success.

2. Put TV ads at the top

You can sometimes emphasise above-the-line adverts if they are important for your brand, but YouTube audiences are looking for fresh content from you.

3. Use tired content

It seems obvious, but it’s surprising how many channels are filled with lacklustre content. Keep feeding your YouTube channel with engaging content.

4. Mix consumer and corporate

Avoid adding corporate videos to a consumer user journey and vice versa. If a consumer comes to your channel, they don’t want to see internal videos or information about company structure.

5. Merely use it as a place to keep all your videos in one place

Structure your content so that it continues the user journey and highlights your brand story.

YouTube dos

And now we’ve had the don’t, here are 6 tips for success to takeaway:

1. Order your content using tags

2. Use relevant timely content and update it regularly

3. Well structured content

4. Use hashtags to connect with brand stories on other channels

5. Ask yourself why the content is there? Is there a good reason?

6. Entertain and inform

Talk video marketing with us

Which brands are using YouTube effectively? Share with us, and add your dos and don’ts to our list.

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