We Are The Generations: Using video marketing to drive action on climate change

As an agency, Hurricane loves working with Charities & NGOs on vital issues so we were thrilled to take on IUCN’s latest challenge. This international NGO asked us to create a trailer to promote and raise awareness for its World Conservation Congress 2020 in Marseille, addressing climate change.

The team has already worked with IUCN on a variety of projects to create video content as well as branding and identity development

The trailer was designed to capture the essence of the event, emphasising the urgency of climate action. The World Conservation Congress is a major platform for addressing global environmental challenges, and our goal was to create a trailer that would inspire audiences worldwide to engage with IUCN’s mission. We aimed to craft a powerful narrative that resonates with viewers and drives them to take action.

The narrative of the trailer turns around the message that ‘we are the generations’. This provokes the idea that the climate emergency is multi-generational and that we all have a part to play in our future.

We carefully selected a range of striking images of both the natural world and people, paired with a bold script with hard-hitting messages. This was complemented with a dramatic piece of specially composed music to stress the urgency of IUCN’s message.

Watch the trailer below:

If you’re interested in video marketing to promote your next event or to build your brand, get in touch

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