The Seeding Secret of Digital Content Marketing

Creative workspace with content planning calendar on a laptop, representing a publisher mindset in brand content strategy.

If you’ve clicked on this post,  it’s probably fair to assume that you recognise the value of digital content marketing, and what it can achieve for your business. Videos are a powerful weapon in content marketing.  Producing fantastic videos alone, however, is rarely enough to ensure that your campaign is going to achieve its ultimate aims. Practically all of the most successful video marketing campaigns of recent times have benefited from seeding, and that’s what we are talking about today.

Whether it’s Evian’s “Live Young”Dove’s “Evolution”T-Mobile’s “T-Mobile Dance” or Bodyform’s “Bodyform Responds”; practically all of the most successful video marketing campaigns were seeded to ensure that the content was put in front of the right people, at the right time, to generate maximum awareness and create as much conversation as possible amongst the target audience. The ultimate success of these campaigns is rarely down to luck.

There are a number of techniques that can be utilised to help amplify a campaign. you can use several techniques:

Influencer Collaborations

This approach involves partnering with influencers or bloggers who align with your brand. By collaborating with influencers who have a strong connection to your target market, you can significantly extend your reach and drive more engagement.  For example, our film, ‘Who’s Lenny,’ was featured across major lifestyle platforms, driving significant additional views by engaging with enthusiasts who loved the digital content.

Paid Media

Many digital platforms now offer advanced options for video placements, such as programmatic advertising and native video ads, which provide precise targeting and detailed performance analytics. These modern ad formats allow you to reach specific demographics with tailored messages and measure the impact of your campaigns more accurately. This method not only ensures your digital content reaches the right audience but also provides valuable insights into campaign performance and ROI. Contact us today to discuss how our paid media services can elevate your brand’s visibility and drive your business forward.

Earned Media (PR)

Earned media is more important than it’s ever been in today’s communications landscape and is the most effective influencer of consumer trust.   Put simply, earned media is what other people are saying about you, and the techniques used to gain this sort of coverage don’t vary hugely from the PR techniques of old.  Putting earned media coverage in front of consumers can help to validate customers choices and reinforce messaging from other bought and owned communications channels.  Campaigns that achieve the greatest success tend to be topical, and the best types of coverage are often achieved as a result of longstanding relationships with media owners.

Owned Media

Owned media is made up of the channels that a brand has direct control over. Websites, microsites, blogs and branded Twitter and Facebook accounts all fall into this category. It’s often viewed as the most cost-effective and versatile route, but owned media alone is unlikely to generate huge successes in itself unless a brand has built up a large audience of fans who can be relied upon to share content.

Rebecca Lieb and Jeremiah Owyang argue in their report; The Converged Media Imperative: How Brands Must Combine Paid, Owned & Earned Media – that the boundaries between the different categories are gradually merging over time. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are increasingly offering the option of sponsored listings and paid reach to guarantee to reach to all of a brand’s fans or prospective fans. You can find out more about how we used owned, earned and paid media for financial services brand, Barclaycard.

Whatever your understanding of video marketing we can help your campaign get in front of the right audience. Whether it’s a broad appeal consumer campaign or a tightly focused B2B promotion that needs to be seeded we can help to advise either you or totally manage your campaign.  We can help with everything from VSEO distribution techniques, MRSS feeds, and XML sitemaps for optimizing hosted video content for search as well as optimising content for YouTube and other video sharing sites.

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