How to Bring a Brand to Life Online

website redesign

What do you think of our new look website? We hope you love its new look as much as we do (we’re pretty chuffed with it). Digital design agency, fffunction have really done us proud and created a showcase for the work we do and a window into how we work.

As a website is so central to how a brand presents itself and reaches its audiences, we thought it would be useful to share the design process.

So we caught up with Peter Coles, fffunction’s Creative Director to ask him a few questions…

How did you work with us on the website design?

We worked closely with the team (in particular John and Jon) at all stages of the process. We believe in working together to make decisions. We don’t just go and ‘make the magic happen’. From initial workshops, to regular reviews and discussions, we worked together openly and collaboratively during the whole design process.

Why did you think Hurricane needed a new website, and what do you think it will achieve for their business?

With the new brand in place, and the business growing, it seems a natural time for Hurricane to update their website. Also, with a glance to the future, it made sense to try and build upon how the business has changed and grown over the years, and to introduce some of that workflow into the management of the website. We hope the redesign will assist Hurricane in better representing their brand online – to present and archive the work they do, and to better represent them as a company.

How did you translate Hurricane’s rebrand / new branding into the website design?

It was at the heart of everything we did. Having a client with a solid idea of who they are, and what they stand for always puts us in a strong position when designing a website. From implementing brand elements such as colour and type, to larger considerations around tone and context, moving the new brand ideas through the website was really important to get right.

How does the new site help Hurricane deliver their marketing messages?

It will help take things to the next level. In terms of showcasing work, we’ve really tried to let the visuals lead the way. One of the first things we spoke about was the ability to create content people want to discover, enjoy and share, and we think we’ve created a platform that makes that not only technically easier to do, but helps frame things in the right way, to better suit Hurricane’s diverse audience.

Thanks Peter! Now enjoy exploring the new site, and if you’re looking for advice on how video can help your brand engage with its audiences, get in touch.

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