10 Powerful Ways to Use Video in Your Business Strategy

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Video has become a standard medium for marketing and communications activities, but which type of video is the best fit for your business strategy? Below, we’ve compiled a list of key video techniques that companies are using today, helping you decide which one aligns with your objectives.

1. Video Customer Testimonials

Having one of your clients speak directly to potential customers about their positive experience is a powerful tool. While written quotes can be effective, seeing someone speak genuinely about your brand on video carries much more weight. Testimonial videos typically range from 30 seconds to 1 minute, and it’s key to capture relaxed, authentic quotes from clients in their own working environment.

2. Content Marketing Videos

Content marketing has become increasingly important as audiences are bombarded with sales messages. The goal of content marketing is to provide valuable, informative content that solves the viewer’s problems first. Once they trust you as an adviser, they’ll remember your brand positively. For example, DIY stores create “how-to” videos and brands like Waitrose have used content marketing effectively with recipe videos from renowned chefs like Heston Blumenthal and Delia Smith.

Content marketing can also include documentary-style videos on topics of interest. We’ve created such videos for various clients, including a documentary on the future of libraries for JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee).

3. Video Case Studies

Video case studies take testimonials a step further, providing a more in-depth explanation of how your business helped a client. These videos typically combine an interview with your client and a voice-over or commentary from your company, explaining the specifics of the project. Video case studies generally run between 2 to 5 minutes, offering a detailed view of your success stories.

4. Product Demonstrations

Product demo videos are aimed at potential clients who are already familiar with your brand but want more information before making a purchase. These videos highlight key features of your product and explain why it stands out from competitors. Keep the content focused on the top-line selling points to avoid overwhelming the viewer with too much detail.

5. Visual Stories

If you have a complicated service to explain, a visual story may be the ideal solution. Visual stories often use animation, motion graphics, and voice-over to communicate complex details in an engaging way. Their quirky and creative style makes them perfect for capturing the viewer’s attention, and many big brands are increasingly adopting this approach.

6. Corporate Overview Videos

Corporate videos have had a reputation for being long and bland, but when done well, they can serve as a powerful brochure for small businesses. The best corporate overview videos offer a clear picture of how the company operates, what sets it apart, and why it’s a great company to do business with. These videos can feature interviews with key figures or use emotive visuals and on-screen text to convey the company’s values.

7. Social media and other digital platforms.

These commercials provide excellent value if executed properly. Once produced, online commercials can be used in various settings such as trade shows, showrooms, email campaigns, and social media channels. For example, we created a commercial for Peugeot that seamlessly integrated into a wider marketing campaign, amplifying the reach and impact of their message.

8. Viral Videos

A viral video is content that spreads organically—when people find it so engaging or entertaining that they share it with others. Effective seeding of content can help, but ultimately, only high-quality, compelling content will go viral. We produced a viral video for Mattel’s Dancing Mickey, which achieved over 85,000 views through YouTube, blogs, and video-sharing platforms.

9. Digital Signage and Narrowcasting

New technologies such as digital signage on public transport, outdoor billboards, and other dynamic displays allow you to showcase video content to target audiences in real-time. For instance, digital screens in high-traffic locations like the Underground provide an effective way to reach passers-by with eye-catching video content.

10. Website Walk-Through or Fly-Through Videos

For complex websites with numerous functions, a walk-through or fly-through video can help users understand how to navigate the site. A walk-through video typically features a presenter demonstrating the website, adding a personal touch, while a fly-through is created using voice-over and screen captures to highlight key features and benefits.

Ready to Elevate Your Business Strategy with Video?

Video is a powerful tool to enhance your business strategy, communicate your brand message, and engage your target audience. Whether you’re looking to build trust with customer testimonials, explain complex services with visual stories, or create engaging commercials, we’re here to help. Contact Hurricane Media today to learn how video can take your business strategy to the next level.

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