Charity Video to Drive Recruitment: #YouCanBeThatNurse

In the charity sector, video is not just a vital way to raise funds and awareness, it can also be a highly effective recruitment tool, driving volunteers and skilled staff to join the team and get behind the cause.

Our latest video for not-for-profit Together for Short Lives is at the centre of a new campaign, #YouCanBeThatNurse, to drive recruitment and fill a much-needed gap in the palliative care sector.

The objectives of this charity video

This leading UK charity for children with life-threatening and life-limiting conditions approached us as their video agency to create a video campaign to encourage nurses to work in palliative care.

In the UK more than 50,000 children and young people are expected to have short lives and the number is increasing. These children and their families need support from trained professionals. However, there is a shortage of children’s palliative care nurses which is already having a detrimental effect on the care provided.  

Our video campaign

We scripted and storyboarded a video that placed the real palliative care nurses centre stage. The video is designed to challenge the audience’s preconceptions of palliative care and highlight the job satisfaction which comes from choosing this area of nursing. 

In order to emphasise this, we began by discussing nurses’ initial concerns about embarking on a palliative nursing career, and then turned these assumptions around as the interviewees explained how much they loved their work with comments such as: “It’s an amazing job – what more can I say?”

The video marketing campaign has just launched – check out the film below and let us know what you think via Twitter and Linkedin.

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