Are You Creating Winning Video Content for Your Brand?

creating winning video content

Is Your Content Marketing Still Effective in Today’s Digital Landscape?

Is your content marketing delivering the results your business needs? While content marketing has been a core strategy for years, the landscape is constantly evolving, and staying ahead is essential. According to recent surveys, the majority of marketers plan to increase their content output and invest more in content marketing efforts each year. But is more content always better?

It’s encouraging to see that brands continue to leverage content to engage their audiences and extend their reach. Content marketing works across industries and for businesses of all sizes, as we move from a push model to a pull model. Where once advertisers pushed messages out to consumers, today brands must think more like publishers. Content that is useful, entertaining, or shareable builds trust and captures attention.

However, with so much content flooding the market, the key question remains: Is your content cutting through the noise? For many, the answer is no. In fact, research shows that while content marketing remains popular, its perceived effectiveness has declined.

With the rapid changes in the digital marketing world, now is the perfect time to assess your content marketing efforts and ensure they’re driving results. Here are a few crucial questions to ask yourself and your team as you review your strategy:

Why Are You Producing Content?

Start by going back to basics. How is each piece of content—whether it’s a blog post, infographic, e-book, or video—helping you achieve your business goals? Is it adding value for your audience and your brand?

Without a plan, content marketing can easily miss the mark. Developing a well-documented content strategy is essential, and studies consistently show that having one significantly improves effectiveness. Make sure your content marketing plan aligns with your SEO and social media strategy. Engaging content drives social media engagement and contributes to better search engine rankings.

If you already have a content strategy, now is a good time to analyse its performance and make updates based on shifts in your business goals or market trends.

What Kind of Content Should You Create?

With more marketers recognising the value of content marketing, your output must be both high quality and strategically timed. Your content needs to reach your audience at the right time in their buyer’s journey and in the right context, whether they’re browsing on their mobile device during their commute or at their desktop at work.

We recommend conducting a content mapping exercise to match each piece of content to specific audience segments and to ensure it serves their needs at every stage of the sales funnel—from awareness to decision-making and beyond.

When we talk about “quality content,” we mean content that aligns with your strategy and delivers value to your audience. This could be anything from a high-level brand video to a short-form video for social media. Be honest with yourself: is every piece of content reinforcing your brand’s values and resonating with your audience?

Content marketing is also about building a trusted community around your brand. Don’t hesitate to engage your audience directly through social media or email to find out what type of content they want to see. Encourage user-generated content to further drive engagement.

Review and analyse your content regularly to measure performance. Make adjustments or remove content that’s not generating results. Keep in mind that measuring ROI can be tricky. Many marketing professionals report that ROI is one of the biggest challenges in content marketing. Set clear, measurable goals in your content strategy and use these benchmarks to track progress and demonstrate results.

Where Are You Sharing Your Content?

It’s not enough to create high-quality content; you also need to ensure it’s reaching the right audience. After creating a great video, blog post, or infographic, the next step is distribution. Use a mix of owned, earned, and paid media channels to share your content:

  • Owned media: Share through your social media channels, blog, website, and YouTube channel.
  • Earned media: Amplify your reach through PR, blogger outreach, and influencer partnerships.
  • Paid media: Use paid channels such as YouTube ads, sponsored placements, Google Ads, and social media advertising to expand your content’s visibility.

Make sure your content is optimised for SEO to drive organic traffic and maximise its impact.

Want to Create Winning Content?

If you’re ready to create more effective, engaging content that drives real business results, Hurricane Media can help. We offer practical, actionable tips from over a decade of experience in content marketing. Reach out to us today to learn how we can help you audit your current content strategy, optimise your content for ROI, and stay ahead in the ever-changing digital landscape.


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