How to Use Video on Linkedin: Our social video marketing guide

social video for linkedin

Are you ready for the video first future? Social channels like Facebook and Twitter have been favouring video in their algorithms for some time now as video marketing beats other forms of content for engagement. So it’s not surprising that now Linkedin is offering us all the opportunity to share native video content after introducing the feature to selected influencers in 2016.

I think that there is a real opportunity for businesses to build themselves as influencers through video and extend reach and credibility. Read on to find out how to harness the power of video on Linkedin.

How do I upload my video to Linkedin?

You can upload video to Linkedin via your mobile. Download the latest version if you need to.

You may be thinking that you’ve been able to share videos via Linkedin for ages – a link to a YouTube video. Yes, that’s right, but now you can upload video natively. This means that it’s uploaded directly to Linkedin rather than shared via a link on another site. What does this mean for your engagement rates? From our experience, you’ll see them increase – and it’s important to ensure that all your video content is optimised for each social channel.

There are also new native video tools which Linkedin is rolling out. Take, for instance, the Snapchat inspired location-based filters which event organisers can set up. These geo-filters act like conference badges for attendees who can overlay their video content with an event frame to promote their participation.

What length of video works on Linkedin?

A video must be more than 3 seconds, but less than 10 minutes and file size cannot exceed 5GB. You can upload the video live or upload a pre-recorded film. There may be times when creating a video on the fly could work – at a live event for instance – but I would advise that generally it’s worth taking time to create a higher quality, edited video.

Don’t forget the copy

As a video strategy agency, we love moving images of course, but words still matter, so make sure that you write an enticing description of your film so that people want to watch and share.

What video content should I share on Linkedin?

As with any video content, it’s about creating useful, interesting content for your audience rather than creating adverts.

  • What are your contacts discussing in Linkedin groups? What are the hot topics in your industry? Use this as inspiration for your content.
  • Share videos that encourage people to sign up for you latest webinar or a speaking event
  • Can you share top tips or how-tos? Whiteboard Friday from SEO Moz is a must-watch for those in the SEO industry
  • Q & As with other leading influencers and experts can also widen your audience.

Remember to add a CTA to entice your viewers to find out more and take an action. As with any content, try it out, and then test to see what’s working and respond to audience feedback.

I hope you’ve found this blog useful for creating your own Linkedin content. Speaking of this social media channel, for more tips and to discuss video strategy further, connect with me on Linkedin.

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